The Effect of Your Live Painting On Your Life Together
You’ve made the great decision to commission a live painter at your wedding. You have both chosen the style you would like, or perhaps one of you gifted the other. Perhaps you were both gifted. Whatever the reason you had a live painter at your wedding, I’m sure it was filled with happy feelings.
So once that day has happened, and you’ve got your gorgeous painting home and up on your wall, what now? Does it just become another picture on the wall or is there a bigger purpose to it?
The effect of your live painting on your life together
Studies have found that looking at a piece of art increases blood flow to the brain, creating the same effect as looking at someone you love.
Art also creates something called embodied cognition in which mirror neurons in your brain turn things you see in the painting, like movement or energy into real emotions. An example would be if you view a painting of a deep ocean, the more you analyse the piece, the more you place yourself within the piece and start to feel the piece. you may be able to start imagining the movement of the waves, the sound of the water and the feeling of vast ocean beneath you. The same would be said for the live wedding painting. You will be taken back to your wedding day. You would start to remember the sounds, the way you felt. How it felt to wear your outfit, to hold each other’s hands and to say your vows. You would be taken back to that happy time full of love for each other.
Just by looking at your painting, you could activate your brain to feel all those happy and loving feelings again, to increase your dopamine and to feel happier and calmer. It’s perfect when you’ve been feeling a bit low, or when you’re stuck in a rut. Or even after an argument when you’re feeling fragile. Looking at your painting can help move past those feelings and remember why you made these promises.
That’s a pretty big reason to have your own piece of art on your wall. But also it becomes something cherished by your family. Perhaps you have children. They grow up with this painting of your moment together. They start to imagine that day for themselves, to picture how it would have been, how happy you both were. The painting fills them with the same dopamine it did you, and it becomes a valued heirloom in your family.
Art is such an important part of our lives and often at times, completely undervalued. By knowing the effects it can have on the brain and wellbeing, hopefully more people introduce it into their lives in some form or another, and what better way than with a live painting. Because a live painting is painted just for you, of you and your special moment!
More about the artist.
Hi, I am Poppy, a multi-disciplinary artist, illustrator and graphic designer with a passion for watercolours.
I have been creating for as long as I can remember, and in 2012, opened up iampoppy Designs. I am passionate about helping inspired people bring their creative dreams to life through my art!
From live paintings, watercolour illustrations and portraits, murals right through to surface pattern design, I love getting stuck into so many different projects, keeping me interested, growing and my business ever-changing. The world of a creative!
So please take a look around, and reach out for a chat! Whether it’s print patterns, workshops, live wedding painting or more… I’d love to meet you and hear all about your story!
E-mail me: designs@iampoppy.com
Call me: +61 413 373 215