My weekly routine to get the most out of my days.
It’s hard running a business. You rely on self-motivation, time keeping skills, you have to multitask and pretty much be working, or thinking about work ALL THE TIME. Well, at the beginning at least!
Pop this role on top of being a mum to two lively kids, and its pretty much full time, 24/7. It can get very stressful at times, and I occasionally get burnt out. But in recent months, even as much as a year, I’ve really learnt to section out my time, create routines and as such, get the most out of those little 24 hours we have to work with.
So, how, you may ask? Well, you’re in luck, as I’ve decided to share my daily routine with you all, so you can see…
First things first…
I wake up around 7-7.30am. I’m going to be honest, pretty lazy in the mornings so this is the best I can do. I did try 5 am starts, but I burnt out waaaaayyyy to much, so I gave that up!
I get up, get the kids ready for school, which involved a fair amount of shouting the EXACT SAME INSTRUCTIONS OVER AND OVER.. I guess my voice just doesn’t sink in! ha ha
I’d LOVE to have some quiet time to ponder life, and drink my coffee, but I don’t. So, we get ready, head out the door around 8.20am ready to drop kids at school for 8.30am.
Hit the gym
I then head into the gym, to do a bit of weight training. I alternate sprint, weights and circuit classes to make sure I’m not bored and to work different parts of the body.
Head into work.
I usually get into work around 10.30am, and the day is already mapped out for me. I have a big white board on the wall with 30 minute blocks throughout the day. I then pop the jobs I need to work on, the breaks I take and admin time. This helps me stay focussed and stop drifting from one job to another, which takes up precious time.
School run
I then head back to pick them up around 3, sometimes 4 depending on after school sports. I wish school finished at 4 everyday! That 1 extra hour makes a huge amount of difference.
And this is where the fun begins! Yay… after school sports! So we alternate between Parkour, Gymnastics, Soccer and Cheerleading. I got fed up of always watching them, so decided to join in, and on Wednesday’s I now do tumbling and Cheerleading too! This night finishes quite late, but the other days usually around 5.30pm.
Dinner madness..
This year I am attempting to meal plan. Maybe even meal prep.. we’ll see how we go! Ha ha
But usually we have a late dinner, swim in the pool or jump on the trampoline. I try to round up the kids around bedtime for their showers and teeth. That’s around 8pm. Its not a gentle time of the day, I can assure you!
Relax, relax, relax
After this madness, I either do a little cleaning, or listen to a podcast, (I listen to podcasts most of the day at work too) or just watch crappy TV as I don’t have Netflix or paid TV. Never been interested really. I tend to half watch and half social media so there’s no point paying for it.
By 10.30pm I head to bed. I fall asleep within about 3 minutes, according to my fitbit, so I must be exhausted.
And repeat!!!
My days are pretty hectic, and I do find it tough a lot of the time, but taking time out every month to schedule in social media posts, plan blog posts, advertising, etc, has taken a huge load off everyday jobs, so I do feel like I have a good balance.
Probably need a lot more ME TIME though! Don’t we all….