Creating illustrations for alphabet cards

Back in early 2021, Brianna and Danielle contacted me about creating some illustrations for their alphabet cards.  

They had this new venture, where they wanted to create learning cards with a different vibe to what children normally have. Instead of A for Apple, B for Ball, Y for Yacht, (you get the idea), they wanted to create themed cards.  

The first set would be a series of different words for each letter, but eventually they had ideas for themed cards, like space themed, or animal themed, etc…  


They gave me a list of words they wanted illustrated, so i set about painting up some watercolours to match the words. The idea was children’s illustrations but still with a whimsical light feel. We had A for alien, D for dragon, F for fireflies…  





I created a full alphabet of all these gorgeous illustrations. After doing some testing with the new cards, on children and parents, it was decided to simplify the theme of the cards, so we changed some of the words to create a more fluid deck.  

Replacing A for alien with A for apple tree, D for dragon to D for discover, and so on… I must admit, that it made the deck much better, and the images correlated with each other more.  



While doing these illustrations, I was also working on the number puzzles for them, with a theme of woodland animals. These go up to 10 and are so cute..  


These have turned out to be such high quality, beautiful learning cards and puzzles that any child would love to have them. I am so proud to have worked on this project and can’t wait to work on some more projects for Rascal Lane.  


Head over to their website, to get yourself your own set of cards and number puzzles. I promise it will be worth it!